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Salzburg Festival.

And the world-famous "Jedermann".

"Everyman.... Everyman ..." is the annual echo across Salzburg Cathedral Square. Everyone except Jedermann himself knows who is calling him. The audience waits in anticipation to see when the caller will appear on stage and deliver his message to Jedermann.

Everyone has heard of it, everyone must have seen this unique performance at some point. Every year, the story of "Everyman" by Hugo von Hofmannsthal is staged as part of the Salzburg Festival. The story is about a rich nobleman whose primary focus is on his own well-being and increasing his wealth. "Jedermann" shows little mercy to debtors and the poor. Jedermann only comes to realise his misconduct when Death literally appears behind him and asks him to get ready for his last walk.

Even those who already know the story are spellbound by the transformation that Jedermann undergoes during the play. Hugo von Hofmannsthal has put down on paper an appealing but also thought-provoking work that conveys an important message for every age.

The highlight of the Salzburg Festival.

Everyman on Salzburg's Cathedral Square.

Since its premiere in 1920, this play in particular has attracted many visitors to the beautiful provincial capital of Salzburg every year. Over the years, there have been many interpretations by different directors and various well-known actors and actresses have appeared in performances of "Jedermann". The idea of staging the production in front of Salzburg Cathedral came from Max Reinhardt. The magnificent baroque building still impresses today as a unique backdrop. The Grosses Festspielhaus is also not far away, where the performance is moved if the weather is bad.

However, it is not just Hugo von Hoffmannsthal's "Jedermann" that attracts visitors to the annual festival; new wonderful and ground-breaking productions are constantly being added.

As life goes.

The special summer highlight for culture lovers.

The Salzburg Festival is one of the most important events in the world of art and culture. Salzburg was already known in the Middle Ages for its love of theatre and costume festivals. Thanks to the unique city backdrop and many great men and women who have promoted the arts and driven them forward with innovative ideas and productions, Salzburg is now one of the cultural capitals of the world. Every year in July and August, after months of preparation, a wide variety of performances and concerts are held as part of the "Salzburg Festival".

Culture and enjoyment at the Königgut.

The festival summer.

Enjoy the artistic performances that take place in our beautiful state capital in July and August. Because a visit to Salzburg, a walk along the Salzach river or in the idyllic gardens of Hellbrunn and Mirabell Palace always evoke holiday feelings. Combine beauty with beauty and treat yourself to a few carefree summer holidays in Salzburg.

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Hohensalzburg Fortress